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These are the people to call when you’re near breaking

Beth Perdue

Just when we thought 2020 was the toughest year on record, 2021 starts out with a chaotic bang to rival everything last year threw at us.

The pressure continues to build on us in new and different ways.

When we are faced with events and emotions beyond our immediate ability to cope, it’s time to reach out to someone for help.

It doesn’t have to be to professional counselors. It can be a conversation with a colleague, or a friend. It can be six-feet apart or virtually through Zoom. It can be by text or online chat too.

And it can be with a stranger.

Anything to blow off steam and give yourself a chance to recover.

Sometimes all it takes in a tough moment is the chance to talk about how we feel to someone who cares. Share your feelings; vent if you need to and some of the pressure will ease.

If someone you know came to mind while reading this, call that person. If not, NAMI Massachusetts has a whole page of resources to text, call, or chat with someone who can help you. Find them here.

Some contacts are available for specific groups of people like this one for teenagers at 1-800-266-7883, where other teens are there to listen to their peers.

Or this one for veterans in crisis at 1-800-273-8255 (press 1).

There’s this one for law enforcement: 1-800-267-5463.

And this one, Call to Talk, for everyone: 508-532-2255.

If you prefer to stay closer to home, the Samaritans of FR/NB are also available to listen by calling 508-673-3777.

Sometimes we think all of these people are there to help someone else. Someone who needs it more.

They’re not. They’re there for you.

Make the call. Say hello, I just need to talk.

And they’ll listen.

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